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  1. Sep 2016
    1. Rather, human knowledge, when it is applicable to practice, is primarily situated in sociocultural settings and heavily contextualized in specific knowledge domains and practices. Such knowledge is inextricably tied to the ability to recognize and act on patterns of data and experience, a process that is acquired only through experience, since the requisite patterns are often heavily tied and adjusted to context, and are, very often, subtle and complex enough that no one can fully and usefully describe or explicate them. Humans are, at this level, contextual and sociocultural "pattern recognizors" and actors. Such pattern recognition underlies the ability to act flexibly and adaptably in context - that is, mastery in practice.

      This is one of the examples of situated practice in writing. Humans learn through experience and through the community in which they live.

    2. Order of discourse is intended to capture the way in which different discourses relate to (speak to) each other.

      When I think of this I think of Greek epic poems like the Illiad and Odyssey

    3. In responding to the radical changes in working life that are currently underway, we need to tread a careful path that provides students the opportunity to develop skills for access to new forms of work through learning the new language of work. But at the same time, as teachers, our role is not simply to be technocrats

      Teachers are starting to become more adaptable with teaching using technology.Its funny how its almost impossible to avoid technology because its so omnipresent.

    4. We are living through a period of dramatic global economic change, as new business and management theories and practices emerge across the developed world. These theories and practices stress competition and markets centered around change, flexibility, quality, and distinctive niches - not the mass products of the "old" capitalism

      This is very prevalent today as technical writing is changing along with technology.

    5. PostFordism replaces the old hierarchical command structures epitomized in Henry Ford's development of mass production techniques and represented in caricature by Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times - an image of mindless, repetitive unskilled work on the industrial production line. Instead, with the development of postFordism or fast capitalism, more and more workplaces are opting for a flattened hierarchy. Commitment, responsibility, and motivation are won by developing a workplace culture in which the members of an organization identify with its vision, mission, and corporate values. The old vertical chains of command are replaced by the horizontal relationships of teamwork. A division of labor into its minute, deskilled components is replaced by "multiskilled," well-rounded workers who are flexible enough to be able to do complex and integrated work (Cope & Kalantzis, 1995). Indeed, in the most advanced of postFordist, fast capitalist workplaces, traditional structures of command and control are being replaced by relationships of pedagogy: mentoring, training, and the learning organization

      The section of the article talks about the changing dynamics of the of the capitalistic world and how it is starting to incorporate more work input and values, and moving toward multiskilled workers. I believe this holds very true today because of how the corporate world is changing and how much more flexible workers have to be.

    6. Multiliteracies also creates a different kind of pedagogy, one in which language and other modes of meaning are dynamic representational resources, constantly being remade by their users as they work to achieve their various cultural purposes.

      I find that this remains necessary in 2016, so as to prevent pedagogy from becoming stagnant or only serving select groups of people.

    7. met for a week in September 1994 in New London, New Hampshire, in the United States, to discuss the state of literacy pedagogy.

      How have ideas relating to literacy pedagogy changed or been updated since these authors' 1994 discussion, and in the 20 years since this text was published? Did this text lay the groundwork for scholars studying literacy pedagogy from 1996 on?

    8. Technical communication is multimodal for the purpose of making information user-friendly and accessible to many potential audiences. English in specific is not limiting through just writing, but can be communicated through five modes of writing: linguistic, gestural, visual, spatial, and aural (with the added bonus of tactile as discussed in class). Digital media (medium) is all of these things utilized at once!

      Example of multimodal communication: http://www.bridgeschool.org/transition/multimodal/body_lang.php

  2. Aug 2016
    1. I think thatit is important to understand that no matter where your come from language is changing rapidly

    2. There are different types of mulitimodal communication:

      Linguistic-writing, speech, sign language, braille Gestural-sign language Visual- writing, sign language Spatial- architecture Aural- speech

      Why use multi modal communication

      To speak to different audiences Makes it more memorable *Cross cultural communication

      Rhetoric is always multi modal

      Difference between mode and median

      the median is the avenue in which we use to a mode, and the mode is what we use to help understand the context

      Technical communication is rhetoric because it is multi modal

      *The most important thing in technical writing is audience..."it is not about you"

      Technical communication helps content management. There is specialized content that one must learn different avenues of reaching audiences and branding a name.