1 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2024
greattransition.org greattransition.org
Bee-and-Flower Logic
for - Bee and Flower Logic - subconscious unity? - uniting without consciously uniting - agreement through actions, not words
- Identify the types of strategic congruences
- that do not require
- people or organizations to be or
- think the same: “bee-and-flower logic.”
- The bee does not consciously know it is “exchanging a service for a product” (my pollen distribution for your pollen).
- The flower does not know it is exchanging a product for a service (my pollen for your transport).
- However, they sustain each other despite never entering into an agreement.
- Cosmolocalism, for example, relies on this logic,
- as people do not need to agree on an analysis or vision to share in the fruits of the virtuous cycle.
- Let us look for all the places this bee-and-flower logic can be enacted.