- Mar 2023
NoHarm Done Fire and Water may play havoc with your office yet your business need suffer either loss nor delay if you will safeguard your valuable documents and business records by the use of BERGER STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE AND SECTIONAL FILING DEVICES fireproof, water-tight and absolutely indestructible. Unlike the insurance company we do not guarantee to replace your loss-we preserve you from loss. We will send free on request our illustrated book " Steelsects" completely describing our handsome line of steel fire- proof Desks, Tables, Wardrobes, Filing Cabinets, Vault Equipments. Webuild special steel office equipment to order. Write us your requirements and we will furnish estimates. THE BERGER MFG. CO. , Canton, Ohio Specialties: Metal Ceilings, Roofing, Siding New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis. and Fire- proof Construction ...