3 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. threats to democracy

      Democrats claim to oppose "threats to democracy" but replace their candidates after nomination to maintain control over the party faithful. They appointed Biden after Kamala's campaign was rightly and completely destroyed in a debate with Tulsi Gabbard but the facts of Kamala's incompetent and tyrannical past, abusing minorities for political gain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1-CRrMDSLs

      Democrats ignore democracy at the drop of a hat when they believe it suits them.

    2. because she was over-prepared and used emails

      Bill Penzey Jr is gaslighting readers again with this statement. The facts are that Hillary Clinton used a private email server for official communications as Secretary of State (2009-2013). The FBI found over 100 classified emails on the server that were not encrypted as required, this included 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret".

      After the investigation began, her IT team deleted ~30,000 emails and destroyed devices by smashing them with hammers, preventing a full investigation. The Obama Administration corrupted FBI found her “extremely careless” (an understatement) but did not recommend charges. This impacted her 2016 presidential campaign - but not because she was "over-prepared and used emails".

      From his statement, it is apparent that Bill Penzey Jr. is not a serious person capable of grasping established facts about the world around him and has no business pontificating on political matters. At worst, he's spreading deliberate misinformation.

    3. all because Biden’s son had a computer

      Though democrats in politics, the Biden family, and the media lied repeatedly before the election, Hunter Biden’s laptop was confirmed to be confirmed his.

      This is relevant because it contained incriminating photos of Hunter Biden; as a result, Hunter Biden was tried and convicted on Federal gun charges.

      There are still outstanding lawsuits relating to the contents of the laptop as of this writing.

      Bill Penzey, Jr. knows this, and by suggesting that Americans were merely upset that Hunter had a computer is an attempt at gaslighting people, which is dishonest and manipulative.