- Jul 2021
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The pandemic has called into question many of higher education’s core pillars, such as college athletics, the residential campus model, the role of online education and sage-on-the-stage pedagogy.
The first two really sound US-centric while the other two are common and longstanding. College athletics as one of "Higher Education's core pillars"? It sounds like American exceptionalism. Granted, athletics might become more important to Higher Education in other parts of the World. If so, that's very likely to come from US influence. The residential campus model is an interesting one. It's common and diverse. In my experience, it's not much of a consideration outside of the US.
Even tenure tends to vary quite a bit. In our context (Quebec's Cegep system), it doesn't really exist. A prof gets a permanent position after a while, as in a "regular job".
Which does make me think, yet again, about the specificity of Quebec's Higher Education. Universities in Quebec are rather typical among Canadian universities and differences with US universities & colleges can be quite subtle. Colleges in the Cegep system are very specific. They're a bit like two-year colleges in the US or like community colleges in both the US & other parts of Canada (NBCC, for instance). Yet our system remains hard to explain.
(This tate comes in the context of my reminiscing over my time in the US after monitoring posts from a number of US-based publications including IHE. Guess I should diversify my feeds.)
- Nov 2015
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
How do you aid recent high school graduates while at the same time dealing with working adults who are coming back to school?
Used to be the core model for Quebec’s Cegep system, a mix of high school graduates and “non-traditionals” (especially divorcées going “back to school”).