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  1. May 2017
    1. Walter Parker
      Walter Parker was born in Spokane, Washington on August, 11, 1926. He served in World War II and later married Patricia Ertman. In 1946, they moved together to Alaska and Walter Parker began working for the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning. During this time, he was responsible for developing air transportation routes, including providing air support to Prudhoe Bay (Dunham 2016). In addition to his professional career in industry, Walter Parker also worked within academia teaching classes in political science and urban and regional planning at the University of Alaska in 1971. Around 1971, Walter Parker and his wife, Patricia, founded Parker and Associates, Inc., which was a consulting firm focused on transportation and telecommunication issues. Between 1971 and 1974, Walter Parker was elected to and served the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly as the environmental consultant to the state. While holding this position, he orchestrated the construction of the Dalton Highway. Walter Parker then became the Commissioner of Highways for the State of Alaska, which was the position he held during the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry. While the Commissioner of Highways, Walter Parker formed the Department of Transportation for the state of Alaska. Walter Parker continued his career serving the state of Alaska by holding positions within organizations such as the Joint Federal/State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, Alaska Oil Tanker Task Force, Pacific Oil and Ports Group, Alaska Telecommunications Task Force, Alaska Oil Spill Commission, Arctic Research Commission, Northern Forum, Institute of the North, Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council, Bering Sea Forum, Anchorage Citizens Coalition, Anchorage Trails and Greenways Coalition, board of the Prince William Sound Science Center, board of the Oil Spill Recovery Institute, North Pacific Research Board, and the Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association (Archives & Special Collections Department n.d.). 


      Archives & Special Collections Department. n.d. Guide to the Walter Parker papers circa 1940-2014. Accessed April 9, 2017. https://consortiumlibrary.org/archives/FindingAids/hmc-1180.html.

      Dunham, Mike. 2016. Alaska Dispatch Publishing. May 31. Accessed May 7, 2017. https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/article/longtime-alaska-resources-and-transportation-adviser-walter-parker-dead-87-0/2014/06/26/.