10 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. what science does is undermining or kind of challenging everything we believe to be right or all of our preconceptions about the world are challenged and sometimes completely reversed or revolutionised.

      for - adjacency - Deep Humanity - physiosphere - symbolosphere - language - science - preconceptions - hyperobjects - scientific model - prediction - YouTube - Beyond the perceptual envelope - Royal Institution - Deep Humanity BEing journeys - And, not or - example adjacency - between - preconceptions - concepts - scientific model - prediction - Deep Humanity - symbolosphere - physiosphere - language - science - adjacency relationship - Paradoxically, science overlays phenomenological reality with a constructed, symbolic layer - From a Deep Humanity perspective, the physiosphere is overlaid with the symbolosphere - The science narrative of - the deposition of animal remains over hundreds of millions of years make up - the cliffs we experience phenomenologically today - assumes the existence of hyperobjects we have no capacity to directly sense - Science is a process that - pays attention to our phenomenological reality - construct a story using specific concepts to explain the observed general class of phenomena in a consistent and repeatable - and most importantly, can predict new observable phenomena using the symbolic model Hence, science is a predictive activity which - begins in phenomenological reality, - the physiosphere - maps to symbols reality in a scientific model - the symbolosphere - makes new symbolic, predictions about phenomenological reality - and finally makes observations ink our phenomenological reality of the symbolically predicted phenomena to validate or refute - This process alternates between the two parallel worlds we seamlessly inhabit, - the physiosphere and - the symbolosphere - and this explains why achieve is - not either constructed OR discovered, but - is both constructed AND discovered

  2. Dec 2024
    1. for - TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan - potential source - Deep Humanity - BEing journeys in language - appreciation of inhabiting the symbolosphere // - Summary - An interesting idea of teasing out the data structure behind language - This could be a rich area to explore for Deep Humanity language BEing journeys to help people gain deeper appreciation of their own amazing language abilities - as well as gain an appreciation for the enormous amount of time our life is spent in the (relative) symbolosphere

    1. shi-ne

      for - definition - Shi-ne - Shamatha without object - open awareness - the Tibetan meditation practice of becoming aware of our habitual tendency to reify and essentialize phenomena, experiencing them as having independent, non-relational reality of their own, both for - inner phenomena (thoughts and emotions) - outer phenomena (sensations) - It also goes by two other names - Shamatha without object - open awareess - from Medium article - Heart Sutra and the nyams of Dzogchen - Aleander Vezhnevets - 2022, Sept 7 - adjacency - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - feral children and role of language enculturation in our constructed reality - Deep Humanity BEing journeys to give insight into deeper layer of phenomenological experience

      adjacency - between - Tibetan shi-ne meditation - insight into our habit of reifying reality into objects - object permanence in child psychology - Dr. Oliver Sacks medical case histories - feral children and absence of enculturation on human experience of reality - potential Deep Humanity BEing journeys to penetrate early deep conceptual layer - new relationship - question - Is shi-ne, in one sense attempting to get us to penetrate our deep conditioning of object permanence in our early child development years? - Before we mastered object permanence, we essentially experienced really as an undivided whole, a gestalt - To understand how non-trivial construction of object permanence is, we can read the late Dr. Oliver Sacks writing on his medical case studies of patients whose medical conditions caused them to experience reality in the danger way ordinary people do - The study of feral children also provides important insights into linguistic conditioning's role in our construction of reality - This area can inspire many important Deep Humanity BEing journeys relating - our habitual propensity to reify - object permanence - Shi-ne meditation and to offer us a way to penetrate our early deep conditioning of object permanence - Doing so allows us to get in touch with a pure, unconditioned, more primordial experience of reality free from layers of deep conceptualisation

    1. The Greeks took that material change and they mythologized it into the soul. And then, of course, Genesis—the creation of the world in Christianity—says, the world is here for humans. It was created for humans to use, to dominate, to exploit, you know, in their trial here to see if they’re righteous or not.

      for - key insight - roots of anthropomorphism - Greek and Christian narratives - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton - adjacency - existential polycrisis - roots of anthropomorphism in the written language - Deep Humanity BEing journeys that explore how language constructs our reality

      key insight / summary - roots of anthropomorphism - Greek and Christian narratives - The Greeks defined the soul - The Genesis story established that we were the chosen species and all others are subservient to us - From that story, domination of nature becomes the social norm, leading all the way to the existential polycrisis / metacrisis we are now facing - This underscores the critical salience of Deep Humanity to the existential polycrisis - exploring the roots of language and how it changes our perceptions of reality - showing us how we construct our narratives at the most fundamental level, then buy into them

  3. Nov 2024
    1. for - Deep Humanity BEing journeys - David Eagleman - sensory technologies - constructed reality - sensory substitution - David Eagleman

      summary - Neuroscientist David Eagleman is best known for his sensory substitution experiments and the development of a consumer electronic watch-type device that can translate sounds into vibration. - His research work shows how much of our reality is constructed - His new device from his company, Neosensory has enabled deaf people to construct a richer reality with the new signals the device is conveying to the deaf user - It brings up deep philosophical questions of what is the world if we can continue sensing the world in new ways? - If we can expand our unwelt in so many ways, are we opening the door to transhumanism? And if so, would this create a new kind of inequality? There are many ethical questions this technology raises. - Sensory substitution technology can be excellent technology for Deep Humanity BEing journeys

  4. Nov 2023
    1. if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
      • for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys

      • comment

      • possible way to have more than one home
      • a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
        • an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
        • Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
  5. May 2022
    1. Second, acknowledging increased affective insecurity and that heightened vulnerability and fear will be a factor, great efforts must be made to bolster the care, support and protection provided to people.      

      Mortality salience for the masses - operationalizing terror management theory (TMT) and Deep Humanity BEing Journeys that take individuals to explore the depths of their humanity to make sense of the times we are in will play a critical role in contextualizing fear of death triggered by unstable circumstances and ameliorating these fears with the wisdom that comes from a living comprehension of the sacredness of our life and eventual death.

  6. Nov 2021
  7. Oct 2021
    1. I was speaking in Iowa, and I was asked, “How do you talk to people in Iowa about polar bears?” I said, “You don’t; you talk to them about corn.” If we begin a conversation with someone with something we already agree on, then the subtext is: “You care about this, and I care too. We have this in common.”

      This stresses the importance of applying Deep Humanity wisely by finding the most compelling, salient and meaningful common human denominators appropriate for each conversational context. Which group are we interacting with? What are the major landmarks embedded in THEIR salience landscape?

      The BEing journeys we craft will only be meaningful and impactful if they are appropriately matched to the cultural context.

      The whole mind- body understanding of how we cognitively construct our reality, via Deep Humanity BEing journeys, can help shift our priorities.

  8. bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Fundamental features of human psychology can constrain the perceived personal relevance andimportance of climate change, limiting both action and internalization of the problem. Cognitiveshortcuts developed over millennia make us ill-suited in many ways to perceiving and respondingto climate change (152),including a tendency to place less emphasis on time-delayed and physicallyremote risks and to selectively downplay information that is at odds with our identity or worldview(153). Risk perception relies on intuition and direct perceptual signals (e.g., an immediate, tangiblethreat), whereas for most high-emitting households in the Global North, climate change does notpresent itself in these terms, except in the case of local experiences of extreme weather events.

      This psychological constraint is worth demonstrating to individuals to illustrate how we construct our values and responses. These constraints can be demonstrated in a vivid way wiithin the context of Deep Humanity BEing journeys.