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  1. Sep 2024
    1. Technology, great technology can continue, but we better we better think about who are who we are. And especially this technology can will allow people to see that the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is to cooperate together, to know each other. And that is what we have ahead of us. If we want to have a better planet, we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing.

      for - quote - Federico Faggin

      quote - we better learn how to cooperate - Federico Faggin - (see below) - Technology, great technology can continue, but we better think about who we are. - And especially this technology can will allow people to see that - the purpose of life is not the survival of the fittest, but it is - to cooperate together, - to know each other. - And that is what we have ahead of us. - If we want to have a better planet, - we better learn how to cooperate instead of competing

      • This is perhaps one of the most important messages from this talk
      • Technology alone cannot save us,
        • FF advocates that the human inner transformation is equally if not more important than any kind of technological transformation
        • Indeed, from the Deep Humanity, Stop Reset Go perspective,
          • the efficacy of collective Human Inner Transformation (HIT) is intimately linked to
          • the efficacy of Social Outer Transformation (SOT)
  2. Nov 2021
    1. Since around 2010, Morton has become associated with a philosophical movement known as object-oriented ontology, or O.O.O. The point of O.O.O. is that there is a vast cosmos out there in which weird and interesting shit is happening to all sorts of objects, all the time. In a 1999 lecture, “Object-Oriented Philosophy,” Graham Harman, the movement’s central figure, explained the core idea:The arena of the world is packed with diverse objects, their forces unleashed and mostly unloved. Red billiard ball smacks green billiard ball. Snowflakes glitter in the light that cruelly annihilates them, while damaged submarines rust along the ocean floor. As flour emerges from mills and blocks of limestone are compressed by earthquakes, gigantic mushrooms spread in the Michigan forest. While human philosophers bludgeon each other over the very possibility of “access” to the world, sharks bludgeon tuna fish and icebergs smash into coastlines.We are not, as many of the most influential twentieth-century philosophers would have it, trapped within language or mind or culture or anything else. Reality is real, and right there to experience—but it also escapes complete knowability. One must confront reality with the full realization that you’ll always be missing something in the confrontation. Objects are always revealing something, and always concealing something, simply because they are Other. The ethics implied by such a strangely strange world hold that every single object everywhere is real in its own way. This realness cannot be avoided or backed away from. There is no “outside”—just the entire universe of entities constantly interacting, and you are one of them.

      Object Oriented Ontology - Objects are always revealing something, and always concealing something, simply because they are Other. ... There is no "outside" - just the entire universe of entities constantly interacting, and you are one of them.

      This needs to be harmonized with Stop Reset Go (SRG) complimentary Human Inner Transformation (HIT) and Social Outer Transformation (SOT) strategy.