5 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2023
advancedcommunities.com advancedcommunities.com
Salesforce Experience Cloud serves as a comprehensive platform that enables you to create various digital experiences, such as partner portals, volunteer communities, support portals, customer communities, and more. It’s a space that empowers your users to stay up-to-date with the latest information, access valuable resources, communicate with each other, provide feedback, or contact you to resolve their issues. Therefore, utilizing such an environment to host events will undoubtedly revolutionize the way they are managed and experienced.
Interesting, should investigate this later, must be worthwhile
- Sep 2019
One alternative would be to have one topic per entity
Other alternative: have a consumer group write a read model to a database, indexed by entity id.
- Jun 2018
Event Management Singapore
Event Management in Singapore by Incepte
inceptevent.com inceptevent.com
Event Management Company Singapore - Incepte Event
Singapore Event Management Companies - Incepte Event