- Oct 2022
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Impact Object – The Impact Object collision data will be sent to. If empty, it will attempt to find an Impact Object on the collider that was hit or one of its parents.
? What does it mean for a collision data to be sent to an impact object?
In the other implementation, we used impact object rigidbody/single material and assigned to it the impact material we created, which would be used in the tags library.
? What are the details of the ImpactObjectRigidbody in this case?
Impact Triggers are components that tell Impact Objects when to play interactions and with what data. They are the origin that provides the data which is sent to the object’s Impact Material to ultimately play the interactions defined on the material.
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Impact Object Rigidbody uses FixedUpdate to ensure accurate interactions, especially when sliding and rolling. However, this can cause overhead if there are a lot of objects.
^ It seems that FixedUpdate is prone to causing overhead
Any Impact Triggers must be on the root of the object (the same object as the Rigidbody), and should have their Impact Object field empty. Impact Triggers must be on the same component as the Rigidbody,
? Must be on the root of the object, the same object as the rigid body? which rigidbody, the parent or the child?
? Impact Triggers must be on the same component as the Rigidbody
Impact Object Single Material is the simplest type of Impact Object, with a single material used for the object. It is most suited for static objects and level geometry. You can add this script to your objects by going to
? what are static objects and level geometry?
Priority can be used to ensure that certain objects will always play their interactions, even if it requires "stealing" resources that are already in use.
Impact Objects are components that you attach to the objects in your game’s world to specify their material, so that other objects (and other parts of your game) know how to interact with them. Impact Objects can also provide physics data such as rigidbody velocity.
^ Impact Objects can also provide physics data such as rigidbody velocity.
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The Audio Source Template prefab must have an Impact Audio Source component attached to it.
^ Creating an Audio Source Template as a singular source for audio management
Pool Size – The size of the object pool created for this audio source.
? What is an object pool?
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Impact Materials define what interactions will occur when an object interacts with the tags defined in the Impact Tag Library
-- the Impact Tag Library is where we define the list of tags for our materials.
i.e.: Plastic, Glass, Concrete...etc
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The size of this buffer limits the number of interaction results that can be returned by a single interaction, so make sure this is set appropriately for how many interaction results your materials can return.
~? What are interaction results?
Is it about how many times the object is interacted with in the scene?
How would one go on about measuring that?
This is a hard limit that will be checked as soon as a collision message is recieved. If the limit has been reached for that fixed update frame, processing will be aborted immediately. Typically you would want to set this to be about the same size as your object pools. Triggers can be set as High Priority to ignore this limit.
? what does it mean that processing will be aborted immediately? what is processing in that case?
Is it meant that the interactions; the sounds emitted would not go through if they were supposed to occur?
Material Mapping works best for static, single material objects. Without an Impact Object component attached, no material composition or velocity data can be obtained
~? Are static single material objects, objects without a rigid body?
? What does it mean for a material composition or velocity data to be obtained?
Material Mapping allows you to map Unity's Physics Materials to Impact Materials. This is useful so that you don't necessarily have to add an Impact Object component to all of the objects in your scene.
-~ The impact mapping would include the properties of the physics material by Unity and allows us to use Impact functionality, such as using the material to produce specific sounds on impact with it
For example, if you have a terrain you will probably want to set this to the number of textures your terrain uses.
Setting Material Composition Buffer Size to the number of textures the terrain uses
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The first field is an Impact Tag Library which is used to display a user-friendly dropdown for the tag or tag mask. The second field represents the actual value of the tag or tag Mask
Just remember that under the hood tags are represented only by integers, so using multiple tag libraries with different tag names does not mean you can have more than 32 tags.