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- Jan 2023
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can dive deeper into how you how you practice a spirituality that promotes both an individual well-being and the 00:09:02 health of our society and our environment like well it's interesting you ask that question because at the root of it or you could say the the presumption of that is is the kind 00:09:14 of duality or separation between the two right yeah exactly i mean i'm i'm reminded of something joanna macy uh said um the world has a role to play in our awakening 00:09:28 um i think many of us still have a kind of romanticized idea about the path even the bodhisattva path the idea that somehow you might go off to a cave and meditate really hard or something and 00:09:40 then when you're deeply enlightened then you return to the world and become engaged you know returning to the marketplace and i think frankly that's a bit simplistic if not if not naive it's like 00:09:54 the two go hand in hand uh because they reinforce each other you know um i think that when we start buddhist practice perhaps inevitably there there's a kind 00:10:07 of self-preoccupation because what brings us to it i mean there's some some suffering some dissatisfaction in our own lives why else would we spend so much time energy and money you know 00:10:20 making sore legs and backs for ourselves um but as we progress you know as as we get more insight into what's going on then if things are going well we eventually 00:10:33 begin to realize that at the root of our dissatisfaction is the delusion of separation yes from from other people and from the rest of the world
!- integrating : individual and collective wellbeing - David Loy offers a clear explanation of the entangled nature of self-and-other - we begin the journey of self improvement due to problems in our personal lives, that is the motivation - but as we continue the journey, we may discover that it is our separation from others and from nature herself that is the cause of our dis-satisfaction - David quotes Joanna Macy, who said that "the world has a role to play in our awakening"