2 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
they're probably about 15 or 20 major long-term stresses that you can identify that are affecting 00:09:43 Humanities outcomes for Better or For Worse and Trigger events which which are much less predictable
for: stats - major stressors of the polycrisis, trigger events
stats: major stressors of the polycrisis
- profile of a crisis
- a crisis occurs when
- a major stressor occurs
- there are between 15 and 20 of them
- and combines with much less predictable "trigger" events
- also called stochastic or random events
- profile of a crisis
- Nov 2016
www.chicagotribune.com www.chicagotribune.com
Racial tensions, police suspicion and the Panthers' radical politics had already proved a volatile combination. Founded in 1966, the party quickly became a menacing, yet romanticized, force. In the two years before the raid, police and Panthers had engaged in eight gun battles nationally, in which three police officers and five Panthers died. Four of the shootouts, including one in which two police officers were killed, occurred in Chicago.
Police raided the Black Panther's headquarters in Illinois. It was found that there was only one bullet fired by the Panthers vs the multiple that the police fired.