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- Sep 2023
- Dec 2021
forum.artofmemory.com forum.artofmemory.com
Professor Michael Lackner (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) has kindly made a pdf version of his German translation of Matteo Ricci’s Xiguo jifa, the Occidental Method of Memory (1596) available to the Art of Memory forum. Thought there may be some people on this forum who are interested in other books from Matteo Ricci. I’m hoping our German-English members could help translate to English. Reference: Lackner, Michael. (1986). Das vergessene Gedächtnis: Die jesuitische mnemotechnische Abhandlung Xiguo jifa, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. Thanks to Josh for uploading the document here: https://artofmemory.com/files/pdf/Michael_Lackner_Das_vergessene_Gedaechtnis.pdf