1 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
i think the reason your book was praised so much uh in the west is you didn't come up with a threatening political solution uh and uh when they said this was the mark book is the marks for modern time that meant don't read marx read this book and i suspect that after you put all of this enormous good work into the uh statistics that you did on wealth 00:15:30 and income i think the publisher probably said well what are what are your solutions well you just came up with uh the solution that you uh said in the book and that's to tax income and wealth uh this is not a threatening solution because there's no way that you're going to tax wealth as long as you have offshore banking centers to conceal wealth as long as you have what the oil 00:15:54 industry put in place a hundred years ago the flags of convenience pretending to make their uh income abroad the fact is uh the one percent don't really make much income they're ideal if you're a billionaire you want to do what uh half of american corporations do you don't make a penny of taxable income uh that that's uh the whole problem
!- Michael Hudson : critique of Thomas Piketty's books - Hudson comments that Piketty's books were not politically threatening to the elites - Piketty's solution is to tax the elites but this is no threat to the elites because they have wealth concealed in offshore accounts - billionaires strategy: don't make one penny of TAXABLE income