5 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2016
dl.dropboxusercontent.com dl.dropboxusercontent.com
isn’t that (3)
Demonstrativt pronomen: peger tilbage til noget fra en tidligere sætning
they knew that (4) they could sit their child in front of a Disney video
Konjunktion: forbinder ledsætningen "they knew" med den definerende relativsætningen "they could sit their child in front of a Disney video"
three main issues that (5)
Relativt pronomen: henviser til "three main issues"
advertisement that (1) promised us
Relativt pronomen: henviser til "a stunning Superbowl advertisement"
that (2), “1984 won’t be like 1984”
Konjunktion: forbinder ledsætningen "that promised us" med hovedsætningen "1984 won’t be like 1984"