220 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. accumulated

      accumulate /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/ Learn to pronounce verb past tense: accumulated; past participle: accumulated gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of. "investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence" Similar: gather collect assemble amass stockpile pile up heap up rack up run up scrape together store (up) hoard cumulate lay in/up garner mass increase multiply accrue snowball tot up stash (away) Opposite: dissipate gradually gather or acquire (a resulting whole). "her goal was to accumulate a huge fortune" gather; build up. "the toxin accumulated in their bodies"

    1. Angiv for hvert ord, om der er tale om et adjektiv eller et adverbium, og angiv, hvad ordet lægger sig til.
      heavy       (adj) → disincentive (sb)
      cosy        (adj) → bar (sb)
      tastefully  (adv) → soulful (adj)
      soulful     (adj) → vocalists (sb)
      entirely    (adv) → else (adv)
      emotionally (adv) → vulnerable (adj)
      freely      (adv) → slagged off (vb)
      unlikely    (adj) → she (pron)
    2. Skriv for hvert eksempel: •  hele verballeddet •  om be er hjælpeverbum eller hovedverbum
      was raining     hjælpeverbum
      was             hovedverbum
      were enduring   hjælpeverbum
      were            hovedverbum
    3. Skriv for hvert eksempel, hvilken ordklasse ordet tilhører. Forklar ud fra sammenhængen, hvordan man kan se, hvilken ordklasse det er.

      Frank confirmed that here was something else entirely

      that er her en konjunktion som kan ses fordi forbinder to sætninger, en hovedsætning (’Frank confirmed’) og en ledsætning: ’here was something else entirely’. Her betyder ’that’ altså ’at’ på dansk.

      I picked my way through the Glastonbury mud that Sunday teatime

      that er her demonstrativt pronomen, der bruges til at udpege ting, og that udpeger her ’Sunday teatime’. Desuden angiver that her afstand i tid, ental, og er adjektivisk. ’That’ betyder her ’dén’ på dansk.

      I saw one of the best festival sets that I can remember

      that er her relativt pronomen, der fører tilbage til forudgående substantiver, pronominer eller hele sætninger. Her fører that tilbage til ’one of the best festival sets’ og indleder en bestemmende relativsætning.

    4. hele verballeddet.
      1. had been looking
      2. had gone
      3. had checked
      4. had been
      5. had wondered
      6. had thought
      7. had happened
      8. had existed
  2. Feb 2022
    1. had gone
    2. had existed
    3. had happened
    4. ’d thought
    5. had often wondered


    6. had been
    7. had checked
    8. had been looking
    9. pronomener fra videoens lydside

      I am an invisible man

      personligt pronomen

      Mrs Dalloway said she

      personligt pronomen

      She would buy the flowers herself

      refleksivt pronomen

      You are about to begin reading

      personligt pronomen

      These three opening lines

      demonstrativt pronomen

      Each establish…

      indefinit pronomen

      Who is telling a story and from what perspective?

      interrogative pronomen

      Are some of the most important

      indefinit pronomen

      Take this fairy tale…

      demonstrativt pronomen

      Let down your hair

      possessivt pronomen

      Rapunzel unbraided her hair and slung it

      possessivt pronomen + personligt pronomen

      The prince climbed her tresses…

      possessivt pronomen

      Rapunzel is typically told like this

      demonstrativt pronomen

      This point of view is called third person

      demonstrativt pronomen

      Rapunzel’s locks plopped down at my feet

      possessivt pronomen

      I grapped on and began to climb…

      personligt pronomen

      I couldn’t untangle myself

      personligt pronomen + refleksivt pronomen

      Came off all over me, sticking to my sweat

      personligt pronomen + possessivt pronomen

      Depending on which character is the narrator

      interrogativt pronomen

    10. hvordan man danner pluskvamperfektum på engelsk

      Førdatid (pluskvamperfektum) dannes med hjælpeverbet ’to have’ i datid og kort tillægsform (perfektum participium) af hovedverbet, f.eks. ’had gone’, hvor ’had’ er ’to have’ i datid og ’gone’ er kort tillægsform af ’to go’. Det samme gælder for ’had checked’ og ’had been’, som består af ’to have’ i datid, ’had’, og kort tillægsform ’gone’ (af to go) og ’been’ (af to be).

    11. pluskvamperfektum

      Førdatid (pluskvamperfektum)

      En bøjning af verbet i tid. Førdatid benyttes til at beskrive noget, der skete inden en anden handling i fortiden.

      Eksempel: I had eaten before they invited me to dinner.

      Verbets tider | ENGRAM | Minlæring

    1. verballed fra videoens lydside

      (subjektet) + hele verballedet: grammatisk tid

      • (I) have been looking: Udvidet førnutid (perfektum)
      • (you) found: Datid (præteritum)
      • (I) do...do: Nutid (præsens)
      • (you) would...want: Datid (præteritum)
      • (I) would love: Datid (præteritum)
      • (I) guess: Nutid (præsens)
      • (I) will see: Fremtid (futurum)
      • ([I]) see: Nutid (præsens)
      • (I) do...know: Nutid (præsens)
    2. so


      Adverbier lægger sig til alt det adjektiver ikke gør (dvs. alle andre ordklasser end substantiver, pronominer og proprier), og de siger typisk noget om tid, sted, måde, årsag, grad.

      Her siger adverbiet so noget om graden af adjektivet many.

    3. omvendt ordstilling
    4. delighted


      Adjektiver kan findes ved at indsætte "to be" foran, og de lægger sig til substantiver, pronominer og proprier.

      Her lægger adjektivet delighted sig til pronomenet We.

    5. grateful


      Adjektiver kan findes ved at indsætte "to be" foran, og de lægger sig til substantiver, pronominer og proprier.

      Her lægger adjektivet grateful sig til pronomenet we.

    6. absolute


      Adjektiver kan findes ved at indsætte "to be" foran, og de lægger sig til substantiver, pronominer og proprier.

      Her lægger absolute sig til substantivet gem.

    7. tender


      Adjektiver kan findes ved at indsætte "to be" foran, og de lægger sig til substantiver, pronominer og proprier.

      Her lægger tender sig til substantivet relationship.

    8. overwhelmingly


      Adverbier lægger sig til alt det adjektiver ikke gør (dvs. alle andre ordklasser end substantiver, pronominer og proprier), og de siger typisk noget om tid, sted, måde, årsag, grad.

      Her siger overwhelmingly noget om graden af adjektivet positive. Mange adverbier dannes af adjektiv-formen + -ly, som det også er tilfældet her.

    9. show

      her er show et substantiv. Vi kan finde substantiver ved at sætte en artikel foran. Her står der endda den bestemte artikel, "the", foran -- hvor der så henvises til dette bestemte TV-show.

    10. tracks

      her er tracks et verbum. Det lægger sig til subjektet "30-minute drama" som følger "the tender but complex relationship of Marianne [...] and Connell". Vi kan finde verber ved at sætte "to" eller "I" foran, og så kan vi også se på om ordet er bøjet. Her er der fx tilføjet -s for at få kongruens med subjektet i 3. person ental.

    11. tracks og show

      Brug en engelsk og/eller engelsk-dansk ordbog

    12. adjektiv eller et adverbium
    13. grammatisk tid
    14. aktiv eller passiv.
    15. will now have

      will + have - fremtid (futurum) - aktiv

    16. has been
      • førnutid (perfektum)
      • aktiv
    17. have been purchased
      • førnutid (perfektum)
      • passiv
    18. will be seen
      • fremtid (futurum)
      • passiv
    19. has been sold
      • førnutid (perfektum)
      • passiv
    20. was produced
      • datid (præteritum)
      • passiv
    21. Did anybody go

      Omvendt ordstilling ved spørgende sætninger og do som hjælpeverbum:

      3. Særlige regler ved omskrivning med to do

    22. Is he
    23. went on Poirot
    24. has he
    25. said Poirot
    26. was a plan of the Istanbul-Calais coach
    1. was a plan of the Istanbul-Calais coach

      Her er der brugt omvendt ordstilling pga. det lange indledende adverbialled

      Ved sætninger, der indledes med stedsadverbier eller bestemte tidsadverbier

    2. has he

      Omvendt ordstilling ved spørgende sætninger

    3. Is he

      Omvendt ordstilling ved spørgende sætninger

    4. Did anybody go

      Omvendt ordstilling ved spørgsmål

    5. said Poirot

      Omvendt ordstilling ved direkte tale.

    6. went on Poirot

      Omvendt ordstilling ved direkte tale.

  3. Jan 2021
  4. Sep 2020
    1. banality of evil

      Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil is a 1963 book by political theorist Hannah Arendt.

      Arendt's subtitle famously introduced the phrase "the banality of evil". In part the phrase refers to Eichmann's deportment at the trial as the man displayed neither guilt for his actions nor hatred for those trying him, claiming he bore no responsibility because he was simply "doing his job" ("He did his ‘duty'...; he not only obeyed 'orders', he also obeyed the 'law'."p. 135).


    2. Karen

      The stereotypical name associated with rude, obnoxious and insufferable middle aged white women.


  5. Mar 2020
    1. sammensatte verballed
    2. whom
    3. This
    4. “When Does a Child Become an Adult?”, 60-second lecture, 2017
    5. hvilke dele det sammensatte verballed består af

      ⚠️ Husk at bruge grammatisk terminologi

    6. Skriv dine svar på dansk

      Husk at inddrage alle de understregede eksempler i din besvarelse

    7. who
    8. that
    9. their servants wouldn’t have let you in the door
    10. They aren’t expecting you
    11. didn’t fully appreciate the size of me
    12. and you have not been here before
    13. those
    14. Forklar kort med inddragelse af alle fem eksempler, hvad adverbier kan lægge sig til på engelsk.
    15. back

      Lægger sig til adverbiet "then"

    16. then

      Lægger sig til sætningen: "I was very young"

    17. eventually

      Lægger sig til hovedsætningen: "I came to see that chance as a form of readiness, a way of saving myself through the minds of others"

    18. only

      Lægger sig til adverbialledet "a short time before"

    19. probably

      Lægger sig til hele sætningen: "I ... would have starved to death"

    20. not

      Lægger sig til præpositionen "for"

    21. not

      Lægger sig til verballedet "did ... believe"

    22. not

      Lægger sig til verballedet "did ... make"

    23. nearly

      Lægger sig til verbet "did"

    24. there

      Lægger sig til verbet "got"

    25. when

      Lægger sig til den efterfølgende sætning: "when I got there"

    26. then

      Lægger sig til den efterfølgende sætning: "see what happened to me when I got there"

    27. far

      Lægger sig til sætningen "as I could go"

    28. dangerously

      Lægger sig til verbet "live"

    29. ever

      Lægger sig til verbet "be"

    30. first

      Lægger sig til verbet "walked"

    31. very

      Lægger sig til adjektivet "young"

  6. Aug 2018
  7. Mar 2018
    1. foran substantiver, der beskriver noget abstrakt,
    2. Ved musikinstrumenter. He plays the piano. Han spiller klaver. Ved højre/venstre i forbindelse med præpositioner. Go to the left! Gå til venstre! Ved verdenshjørner i forbindelse med præpositioner. The sun sets in the west. Solen går ned i vest. Foran substantiver, der følges af en of-konstruktion. The eye of the tiger. Tigerens øje.
    3. vokal-lyd:
    4. konsonant-lyd:
  8. Jan 2018
  9. Oct 2017
    1. Ingen kilder til påstanden om Cicero som ophavsmand til pentagrammet

    2. Cicero var en romersk politiker og retoriker, der levede i år 106-43 fvt., og han opstillede et pentagram som model over, hvilke elementer der indgår i kommunikationen imellem mennesker.
    1. You all know the truth of what I'm going to say. I think the intuition that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive has been around since before the French Revolution. What's changed is we now can look at the evidence, we can compare societies, more and less equal societies, and see what inequality does. I'm going to take you through that data and then explain why the links I'm going to be showing you exist.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  10. Sep 2017
    1. It's a terribly untrue stereotype. My experience is that the people who work in women's health facilities where abortions are performed are so compassionate. Think about what it takes to work there daily. They have to walk through protesters and picket lines; they have to be committed to what they do. They are passionate in their convictions.I worked for 22 years for Planned Parenthood affiliates and have seen how people are dedicated to making women feel comfortable.

      Group 6

    2. There's a friend of mine, Carol Cassell, who's a leading sex education expert. She wrote a book called Swept Away and its premise is that you can justify your behavior if you were 'swept away,' but you can't justify planning to have sex. We are uncomfortable with sexuality and that's why unplanned pregnancies occur.Other countries have much lower rates of teen pregnancy and abortion even though they have as much sex as we do. We need to examine our attitudes toward sex and address them.

      Group 10

    3. The film also shows a disassociation of the person from the sexual behavior. The characters are detached from what happened. My guess is that it has more to do with our culture's inability to deal with sexuality. They couldn't have told the story if it had been a more complex situation.Similarly, the parents were also detached from the situation and their comments about Juno's pregnancy were disengaged from reality.

      Group 9

    4. I'd like to to talk to her about it. She may have been edited and her screenplay changed, but her own words indicate she hadn't necessarily thought through what the impact of her words would be.In this film, the storyline had to be that Juno had sex once and that it wasn't an ongoing relationship. The problem is that this isn't a common situation. Though this does happen, in truth most young people ease into sexual relationships over time and it puts them at risk of pregnancy.

      Group 8

    5. It would be amusing if it weren't so distressing that a woman whose profession has been in the sex trade would express this in her writing. I have two thoughts about this:The first is "Good for her that she has the talent to write a commercially successful film."The second is that we all have social responsibility for what we communicate through our words. And as a former stripper, of all people she should understand our society's retrograde attitudes toward women and sex.

      Group 7

    6. As the former President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Gloria Feldt has fought for many years on the front lines of choice. She was a teen mother at sixteen, and later returned to school to earn a degree and work on behalf of women's reproductive rights.

      Group 5

    7. They're also very judgmental of their friends who become pregnant. Many see Juno as heroic for carrying out of her pregnancy. The real issues surrounding pregnancy isn't discussed in the film Knocked Up either. In Hollywood it's verboten.

      Group 4

    8. I've been astonished how many older teens and women in their twenties thought the film was wonderful. Some of the messages that are so negative went right over their heads. They grow up today in a different context. They've never lived in a country without choice. They don't know that before abortion was legalized, unintended pregnancy was essentially the end of your life as you have known it, regardless of the option you choose.

      Group 3

    9. An adolescent girl doesn't have a lot of power, but one of the ways that she can demonstrate her power is through her sexuality. The power of her sexuality is one of the few things she holds over the adults in her life. Whatever her needs are, the use of sexuality and becoming pregnant is still the same - it hasn't changed since the 50s.

      Group 2

    10. The dialogue is adorable - snappy, smart, funny, captivating - and who wouldn't enjoy that? But I was Juno once - that sixteen year old pregnant girl, and life isn't like that at all. It delivers messages to young women that arent' realistic. Juno is an adorable fantasy - I think that when you're 16 years old you don't understand that, but when you're 50 years old you do.

      Group 1

  11. Mar 2017
    1. Lav tekstreferencer undervejsuden brug af citater.

      Dette burde fjernes

    1. Half-devil and half-child


    2. Watch Sloth and heathen Folly


    3. To veil the threat of terror


    4. wait

      act as a waiter or waitress, serving food and drink

    5. exile


    6. And bid the sickness cease;


    7. Fill full the mouth of Famine


    8. Egyptian night


    9. humourvb lokke med smiger

      comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be.

    10. humour

      comply with the wishes of (someone) in order to keep them content, however unreasonable such wishes might be.

    11. The White Man's Burden


    1. The broader your claim is, the more evidence you will need to convince readers that your position is right.
    2. There are several reasons this statement is too broad to argue. First, what is included in the category "drugs"? Is the author talking about illegal drug use, recreational drug use (which might include alcohol and cigarettes), or all uses of medication in general? Second, in what ways are drugs detrimental? Is drug use causing deaths (and is the author equating deaths from overdoses and deaths from drug related violence)? Is drug use changing the moral climate or causing the economy to decline? Finally, what does the author mean by "society"? Is the author referring only to America or to the global population? Does the author make any distinction between the effects on children and adults? There are just too many questions that the claim leaves open. The author could not cover all of the topics listed above, yet the generality of the claim leaves all of these possibilities open to debate.

      Question for this paragraph

    3. Types of claims

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


  12. Nov 2016
    1. if, unless, when, whether, provided, providing, supposing 

      Expressing conditions

    2. firstly, secondly... finally, first of all, in the first place, for one thing, for another, next, lastly

      Sequencing ideas

    1. Forms, rubrics, charts and graphs are useful in these situations to objectively document personal traits with the goal of improving performance in current and future projects.
    2. Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication.[5] These methods specifically aim to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem solving
  13. Oct 2016
    1. only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt


    2. that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. 


    3. symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change


    4. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate


    5. ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. 


      The elements of simple chiasmus are often labelled in the form A B B A, where the letters correspond to grammar, words, or meaning

    6. In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.

      Logos (causality)

    7. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

      Logos (causality)

  14. Apr 2016
    1. drowning


    2. As under a green sea


    3. Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,


    4. like a devil’s sick of sin;


    5. flound’ring

      flounder /ˈflaʊndə/

      verb<br> gerund or present participle: floundering

      struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water. "he was floundering about in the shallow offshore waters"

    6. writhing

      writhe /rʌɪð/

      verb<br> gerund or present participle: writhing

      make twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body. "he writhed in agony on the ground"

    7. like a man in fire or lime


    8. trudge

      Word choice

    9. sludge

      Word choice

    10. An ecstasy of fumbling

      Word choice

    11. Five-Nines

      The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 was a German heavy field howitzer cannon introduced in 1903 and served in World War I.

    12. coughing like hags


    13. like old beggars under sacks,


    1. Løsningsforslag

      Nogle faldgruber, I overså? Jeg overså selv nr. 1 :)

    2. Tekst 1 er skrevet i et relativt uformelt formalitetsniveau, der fx er præget af sammentrækninger (it’s) og direkte tiltale (you). Syntaksen er ikke helt simpel. Der er relativt lange sætninger og også infinitte ledsætninger med brug af ing-form, fx ”before ducking through Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the current Japanese art exhibition.” Stillejet er således ikke helt lavt

      Læg mærke til at sprogets formalitets- og stilniveau er to separate egenskaber (som her, hvor sproget er uformelt, men skrevet i høj stil).

    3. Øvelse Del B - Grammatisk fokusområde

      I denne øvelse skal der kommenteres på det grammatiske fokusområde - ikke findes fejl.

    1. isn’t that (3)

      Demonstrativt pronomen: peger tilbage til noget fra en tidligere sætning

    2. they knew that (4) they could sit their child in front of a Disney video

      Konjunktion: forbinder ledsætningen "they knew" med den definerende relativsætningen "they could sit their child in front of a Disney video"

    3. three main issues that (5)

      Relativt pronomen: henviser til "three main issues"

    4. advertisement that (1) promised us

      Relativt pronomen: henviser til "a stunning Superbowl advertisement"

    5. that (2), “1984 won’t be like 1984”

      Konjunktion: forbinder ledsætningen "that promised us" med hovedsætningen "1984 won’t be like 1984"

    6. overcame


    7. had underlined


    8. ’d been assigned

      had been assigned<br> passiv pluskvamperfektum

    9. found


    10. Nick Bilton, “Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent”, 2014

      Pronominer: your, I (4), they, it, he, me, we, our

      Substantiver: kids, subject, company’s, tablet, shelves, technology, home, gasp, silence, household, nerd’s, paradise, walls, touch screens, dining table, tiles, guests, chocolates, pillow

    11. Larry Rosen, “How Much Technology Should You Let Your Child Use?”, 2013

      Pronominer: Our, you (2), your

      Substantiver: brains, mechanism, daydreaming, mind wandering, behaviors, decisions, neuroscientists, mind, types, experiences

  15. Mar 2016
    1.    So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    2. But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    3. But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    4. But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

      Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    5. But thy eternal summer shall not fade,

      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    6. dimm'd


    7. complexion


    8. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    9. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    10. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    11. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    12. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

    13. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    1. “That was a fine way to look at it,” the cook said. “Didn’t Jack Johnson knock him out though?” “It was a trick,” Peroxide said. “That big dinge took him by surprise. He’d just knocked Jack Johnson down, the big black bastard. That nigger beat him by a fluke”