4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2024
zenodo.org zenodo.org
TRSP Desirable Characteristics PID Service SHOULD resolve at least p percent of PIDs in a randomised sample, where p is determined by community and dependency expectations.
- Oct 2023
www.ietf.org www.ietf.org
To resolve a Compact ARK (ie, an ARK beginning "ark:") it must initially be promoted to a Mapping ARK so that it becomes actionable. On the web, this means finding a suitable web Resolver Service to prepend to the compact form of the identifier in order to convert it to a URL (cf [CURIE]). (This is more or less true for any type of identifier not already in URL form.)
datascience.codata.org datascience.codata.org
id string: the sequence of characters that is the identifier string itself, possibly modified by adding a well-known prefix (often starting with http://) in order to turn it into a URL. identifier: an association between an id string and a thing; e.g., an identifier “breaks” when the association breaks, but to act on an identifier requires its id string. actionable identifier: an identifier whose id string may be acted upon by widely available software systems such as web browsers; e.g., URLs are actionable identifiers.
Classes of identifier
browse.arxiv.org browse.arxiv.org
These findings provide strong indicators that scholarly contentproviders reply to DOI requests differently, depending on the request method,the originating network environment, and institutional subscription levels
PID Resolution factors