2 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2015
drakeopportunity.com drakeopportunity.com
Drake seeks a tenant demographic more appropriate to the refined nature of the Healdsburg community, tenants who value good design and beautiful surroundings.
Because you have to be rich to appreciate beauty. /s
- Jun 2015
www.pressdemocrat.com www.pressdemocrat.com
Hopefully, Sonoma County supervisors will consider placing a road repair bond on the ballot during a high turnout election, such as the November 2016 presidential election.
What, if anything, can citizens to to force the hand of the Supervisors to put a bond forward?<br> Because if the quotes and soundbytes hold any truth, the Board members intend to tow the gunshy company line towards being more aggressive about specific funding - and of course they might - because if it isn't part of the General Fund, they have little ability to exercise their discretion on how it is used. I see this as a great thing.