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- Jan 2023
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the trip to korea is always a winter trip for me [music] [music] 00:13:16 if you are supposed to be on a subway platform, you immediately understand that you are in a tired society, you could say in a tired society in the final stage 00:13:30 the subways are supposed to be the same sleeping cars in which people decide whether they want to sleep after school everywhere and at different times in korea you can see people sleeping 00:13:44 people apparently people are fighting against permanent overtiredness very many people have long since succumbed to burnout and more than 100 die every year
!- Title : The Burnout Society !- Author : Philosopher Byung-Chul Han - the price for freedom, the price for the pathological advocacy of "Yes, we can" is compulsion to achieve high goals, and failure and depression when it cannot be realistically achieve - the goal, as promoted is far too lofty and failure is all but assured