4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. like it or not Fate has placed the current generation in a position will where it will determine whether we march on the disaster or whether the human species and much other life on Earth can be saved from a terrible Indescribable fate

      for - rapid whole system change - Deep Humanity - Tipping Point Festival - validation for - Indyweb - Stop Reset Go - source - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec

    2. fmy Paradox

      for - Fermi paradox - Robin Hanson - The Great Filter - Nick Bostrom - source - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec

    3. unless we can use our capacities for thought in an arena of rational discourse there's no hope of closing the dread Gap in time to savor ourselves

      for - quote - the return of rational discourse is necessary to save ourselves - source - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec

    4. for - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec