- Jan 2025
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Many publishers use an “XML-first” publishing workflow, producing a master XML file that is used to generate HTML, PDF, EPUB, and other formats.
Do we have a sense how true this is in our OJS journal workflows?
If you receive a PDF that is untagged, or where the tag structure is incomplete or incorrect, it is usually best to return to the source document, make the necessary accessibility repairs, and then re-create the PDF.
Do we have a sense of the workflows journal editing teams are doing to publish galleys / files?
IMPORTANT: never “Print to PDF” when exporting a Word Document to PDF. A screen reader user may still be able to access the text of a PDF created in this way, but heading structure, alternative text, and any other tag structure will be lost.
Never use print to PDF
Screen readers will read out the type followed by the title, like “PDF: Open badges as credentials in Open Education systems: Case studies from Greece and Europe”.
Screenreaders and galley files by type
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if you publish galleys in PDF, you can set the language tag for the document as follows: Open the Document Properties dialog: Choose File > Properties Select a language from the Language menu in the Reading Options area of the Advanced tab.
Setting default language for PDF galleys in OJS
If you use OJS with multiple languages, make sure to use the proper language locale for that language (e.g. French locale for the French language) as the locale determines the language tag for the page.
Expectations for multiple language journals in OJS>
Assistive technologies inform users what type of list will be read before proceeding to each item.
It's important to use the correct type of list for screenreaders to work properly.
Words separated by hyphens “-“ and by capital letters (e.g. dogShow) may be read as individual words depending on the screen reader
Use camel case or kebab case for filenaming.
Making the file name identifiable and meaningful will help both screen reader users and anyone who saves the file locally for future reference
filenames help screen readers communicate what something is.
ontrast ratio as at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text, for Level AA.
contrast ratio for wcag 2.1 AA compliance
Image clues to write about in alt text:
When creating alt text, these are the things that should be included.
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reCAPTCHA. When enabled on the user registration page, reCAPTCHA presents a major barrier for screen reader users with braille devices and VoiceControl users on iPhone. Additionally reCAPTCHA is missing an iFrame title and a form label, so even those screen reader users who can use it, may encounter barriers.
iframes need a title and a form label
The audit went much further than WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.2 (Draft) Level AA. It included items that are not currently included in WCAG, such colour blindness, font type and style, and lessening barriers that impact people with cognitive, neurological, intellectual and/or learning disabilities. The audit also included usability best practices, in order to make the site more accessible and usable for everyone.
When we make recommendations through the framework, do we focus on just the scope of ADA Title II? I assume so, but if not how do we approach this.
audit focused on lowering barriers on the Default Theme for people with different disabilities
The OJS accessibility audit focused on lowering barriers on the default them for people with many different disabilities.
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The Default Theme in OJS 3.3 and higher has been audited for accessibility barriers and its state of accessibility is outlined in the OJS 3.3+ Default Theme Accessibility Statement.
Use default theme if you want to ensure accessibility.