8 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Imagine having instant access to the world's knowledge in your pocket. Something that everyone should be able to use and the discerning should appreciate.
  2. Jan 2022
    1. Choose your custom packaging style

      I liked the strategy of customizing the boxes according to the customer's needs. The customer assembles how his box will best serve him.

  3. Mar 2021
    1. courage to be transparen

      presenting oneself as an equal person with goals and ambitions the young person can understand and (hopefully) develop a respect for, is necessary to encourage the young person to explore their own identity and ambitions

    2. increasing self-awareness provides themeans for students to integrate skills into their own personal and professionaldevelopment and into their practice.

      youth workers must be prepared to physically demonstrate the importance of developing such skills

    3. Carl Rogers aims to facilitate a person’s‘actualising tendency’ (Kirshenbaum and Henderson, 1997:137). Rogers stronglybelieved that there were certain qualities, attitudes or core values, which, if present ina facilitator (in this case, a youth worker) would enhance nurturing practice. Hetermed these qualities, attitudes and values ‘the three core conditions’ and said thatthese were ‘necessary and sufficient’ for growth and change to occur

      what happens if such conditions are not met? healthy growth seems dependent on having nurturing facilitators who act as role models or inspiration

    4. elationships of trust and respect

      foundation of nurturing relationships

    5. young people havethe skills, knowledge and opportunities to make informed choices about their lives, areat the heart of designing, managing and evaluating youth work policy and practice,have opportunities to address issues they are interested in and can make meaningfulcontributions within their communities and within public and political decision makingprocesses’

      addressing the needs of young people to prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood



  4. May 2020