1 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. why do we need 00:24:19 to have economic expansion because there's 300 trillion dollar of debt based on future expansion so if we don't have future expansion that's $300 trillion 00:24:33 worth of debt which isn't going to be repaid entirely which means total financial crisis and so on and so right I say it is baked into the system
      • for: adjacency - debt - growth

      • adjacency between

        • debt
        • growth
      • adjacency statement
        • in the current different of endless growth, debt requires growth to pay off the debt
        • we borrow money to open a new business and have to GROW our market shares to service the debt
        • multiplier millions and billions of times the world over, we have too brief our markets and sell more stuff too post back our loans