- Jul 2024
tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu tmurphy.physics.ucsd.edu
In this case, the non-physical elements of the economy areconstrained (arbitrarily) to grow no higher than 75% of the total, resulting in only a modest amount ofdecoupled economic growth before flattening.Nature PHysics | www.nature.com/naturephysics
for - adjacency - question - degrowth? - circular economy? - steady state - regenerative processes
adjacency - between - degrowth - circular economy - regenerative practices - steady state economy - adjacency relationship - Where did the 75% number come from? Is there anything special about it? Is it some kind of a limit from the model? - Would circular and regenerative practices play an important role in this? - This would seem to indicate a degrowth type scenario. Degrowth is a misnomer, it doesn't imply continual economic downward trend, - but is specifically addressing a the decrease of physical human economic activity - that is responsible for our excessive pollution load / biodiversity loss - to levels necessary to avoid the worst impacts - It isn't explicitly stated that the other half of degrowth is growth of non-physical economic activity that nurtures and nourishes humanity