14 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2023
www.gao.gov www.gao.gov
how to use low-cost sensors to provide real-time, local-scale air quality information. EPA and state and local agencies face persistent challenges meeting such air quality information needs, including challenges in understanding the performance of low-cost sensors.
GAO statement on low cost senstors
publisher.uthm.edu.my publisher.uthm.edu.my
An Internet of Things-based Air Pollution Detection System
Work in Malaysia using ardunio and MQ sensors - used breadboards,
hollandse-luchten.org hollandse-luchten.org
ince September 17, the extens
HoLU sensor kits, some dutch talk about calibration that needs to be translated, but seems to confuse collocation correction with calibration
hollandse-luchten.org hollandse-luchten.org
Sensor technology is getting cheaper and better. Sensors to measure air quality are also
second version of dutch HOLU-kit
hollandse-luchten.org hollandse-luchten.org
f you have a sensor kit from Hollandse Luchten, we urge you to disconnect the humidity meter. We recently found out that the humidity
They quit using these HoLu kits as the data was unrealiable. Here they were removing the humidity sensor as it was causing some problems
support.sodaq.com support.sodaq.com
ounting & Using the AIR
bicycle mounted PM AQ sensor
github.com github.com
his repo contains documentation, source files and code for
pre covid AQ kit - good stuff from Amsterdam
making-sense.eu making-sense.eu
ost commercially available sensors are expensive, and cannot be altered orextended to accommodate your specific data collection needs. In open hardware
open hardware approach (2018) from Waag group
Developing a portable air quality monitor to mea
SODAQ - pm sensors
waag.org waag.org
These ‘HoLu kits’ are being distributed in pilots to residents who live in regions where the air quality is poor, such as around the Tata steel factory in the IJmond area. We teach citizens to measure the surrounding air quality and to interpret the data.
Smart Citizen Lab aspart of Waag.
pay attention to the HoLu project
- Dec 2022
pypi.org pypi.org
Project description sensortoolkit - Air Sensor Data Analysis Library
EPA sensor toolkit read the docs with python code
ww2.arb.ca.gov ww2.arb.ca.gov
Conductivity Measurements
covers electrochemical gas cells
Local file Local file
It is a standard practice to test 3 or more identicalsensors at the same time because
use of three sensors
, the U.S.EPA published reports (hereincalled ‘Targets Reports’) thatprovide recommendations on howto evaluate air sensors thatmeasure criteria pollutan
EPA target reports