8 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2020
  2. Nov 2020
  3. May 2020
    1. Issues brought up during review must be addressed using best efforts. If corrections have been requested, the new version should not contain unrelated changes, as this complicates the review process and can lead to further rejections.
    2. During review, the add-on undergoes basic testing in addition to code review. To facilitate the functional testing, the add-on author must provide testing information and, if applicable, testing credentials required to use the add-on if an account is needed for any part of the add-on’s functionality.
    1. Mozilla can still block distribution of the extension, even when not distributed via ADO. It is not possible for us to provide Mozilla the unminified JavaScript source files for Google’s and Microsoft’s translation widgets. This is a risk because Mozilla can demand such.
    1. The Pop!_Shop is our version of Android’s Play Store or the App Store on iOS, and we’re constantly adding new applications to the mix—a productivity cocktail that goes down smooth.