- Aug 2023
bonpote.com bonpote.com
For largely financial reasons, the intensity of bookings is increasing (the number of artists scheduled to perform per year, per season, etc.) and the bookings themselves are growing more and more extensive (the kilometres/miles travelled by artists continue to rise with fewer and fewer performance dates in each region)
- for: music industry - touring economics, concert booking arms race, unsustainable booking
- the intensity of bookings ( number of artists scheduled to perform per year or per season) is increasing
- the average booking is becoming more geographically widespread ( more kilometers travelled per artist) with fewer performance dates per region
- increase in artistic fees and technical requirements force organizers to attract more audiences who come from further away, creating a concert booking arms race
- for: music industry - touring economics, concert booking arms race, unsustainable booking
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
a nefarious controller of AI presumably could teach it to be immoral
- bad actor will teach AI to be immoral
- this also creates an arms race as "good" actors are forced to develop AI to counter the AI of bad actors
the one that 00:05:20 controls AI has enormous power over everyone else
- AI Arms race is premised on
- whoever controls AI has enormous powers over everyone else
- All the world's competing super powers are developing it but with the aim of weaponizing it against its enemies
- It will be difficult to regulate when so many actors are antagonistic towards each other
- AI Arms race is premised on
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the biggest challenge if you ask me what went wrong in the 20th century 00:42:57 interestingly is that we have given too much power to people that didn't assume the responsibility
- quote
- "what went wrong in the 20th century is that we have given too much power to people that didn't assume the responsbility"
- quote
this is an arms race has no interest 00:41:29 in what the average human gets out of it it
- quote
- "this is an arms race"
- quote
the first inevitable is AI will happen by the way there is no 00:23:51 stopping it not because of Any technological issues but because of humanities and inability to trust the other
- the first inevitable
- AI will happen
- there's no stopping it
- why?
- self does not trust other
- in other words,
- OTHERING is the root problem!
- this is what will cause an AI arms race
- Western governments do not trust China or Russia or North Korea(and vice versa)
- in other words,
- the first inevitable
we've talked we always said don't put them on the open internet until we know 00:01:54 what we're putting out in the world
- AI arms race
- tech companies made a promise
- not to put AI onto the open internet until
- they know how it's impacting society
- Unfortunately, tech companies
- failed at regulating themselves
- and now, capitalism has started an AI arms race
- with unpredictable results as AI harvests more data
- and grows its artificial intelligence unregulated
- with each passing
- tech companies made a promise
- AI arms race
- Dec 2021
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Coevolutionary arms race versus host defense chase in a tropical herbivore–plant system
- Jun 2021
www.atlanticcouncil.org www.atlanticcouncil.org
Weaponized: Understanding the COVID-19 narrative arms race. (n.d.). Atlantic Council. Retrieved 30 June 2021, from https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/event/covid-narrative-arms-race/
- Sep 2018
www.mnemotext.com www.mnemotext.com
But if the technological Singularity can happen, it will. Even if all the governments of the world were to understand the “threat” and be in deadly fear of it, progress toward the goal would continue. The competitive advantage – economic, military, even artistic – of every advance in automation is so compelling that forbidding such things merely assures that someone else will get them first.
In this paragraph the author creates an intentional analogy between technological Singularity and nuclear bomb technology. After the catastrophe of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the governments tried to limit the production of nuclear bombs and signed many treaties to ban countries from achieving the needed technology to create such bombs. That proved to be a big failure since many countries such as Pakistan and India were able to create atomic bombs. The same situation applies to the Technological Singularity, as the author has mentioned many countries will not understand the threat and there will be a race towards achieving such technologies.