5 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2022
apireference.getresponse.com apireference.getresponse.com
Our API v3 uses the terminology from the previous version of GetResponse. Campaigns and lists are the same resource under a different name. For now, please refer to lists as campaigns. Our API v4 will use the updated terminology.
- Nov 2022
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
Yes, it was right, but nowadays Dockerfiles are not specific to Docker. Dockerfiles also work with Buildah & Podman (and there might be other ones in the future) and they have generalized the naming: “Containerfile.”
- Mar 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
non-regression testing
That would probably be a better name because you're actually testing/verifying that there hasn't been any regression.
You're testing for the absence of regression. But I guess testing for one also tests for the other, so it probably doesn't matter. (If something is not true you know it is false, etc.)
- Apr 2020
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
You don't "sanitize your output" you encode it for proper context within the application it is being presented. You encode the output for HTML, HTML Attribute, URL, JavaScript
I would call this output encoding instead of sanitization