- Feb 2022
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This day on which Enkidu dreamed came to an end and be lay stricken with sickness. One whole day he lay on his bed and his suffering increased. He said to Gilgamesh, the friend on whose account he had left the wilderness, 'Once I ran for you, for the water of life, and I now have nothing:' A second day he lay on his bed and Gilgamesh watched over him but the sickness increased. A third day he lay on his bed, he called out to Gilgamesh, rousing him up. Now he was weak and his eyes were blind with weeping. Ten days he lay and his suffering increased, eleven and twelve days he lay on his bed of pain. Then he called to Gilgamesh, 'My friend, the great goddess cursed me and I must die in shame. I shall not die like a man fallen in battle; I feared to fall, but happy is the man who falls in the battle, for I must die in shame.' And Gilgamesh wept over Enkidu. With the first light of dawn he raised his voice and said to the counsellors of Uruk
The numbered days of death and 3 (Jesus was on the cross for three days) and the innocence of Enkidu by being betrayed are quite a bit like the crucifixion.
umbaba said, 'Enkidu, what you have spoken is evil: you, a hireling, dependent for your bread! In envy and for fear of a rival you have spoken evil words.' Enkidu said, ‘Do not listen, Gilgamesh: this Humbaba must die. Kill Humbaba first and his servants after
Humbaba reminds me a lot of Goliath, and since he tried to trick Enkidu, maybe cunning like the devil.
he heavens roared and the earth roared again, daylight failed and darkness fell, lightnings flashed, fire blazed out, the clouds lowered, they rained down death. Then the brightness departed, the fire went out, and all was turned to ashes fallen about us. Let us go down from the mountain and talk this over, and consider what we should do
I thought this might be an early representation of the devil or evil, with horns and fire. Although it could have contributed to later representations of the devil or hell, it might have just showed how great a deed the two did in killing Humbaba. The scale of what they did might have made an impact in how greatly they were seen though in the descriptions of Uruk at the beginning of the story, so maybe it starts to show the impact of one or two people, like some kind of savior?
ough, he had long hair like a woman's; it waved like the hair of Nisaba, the goddess of corn. His body was covered with matted hair like Samugan's, the god of cattle. He was innocent of mankind; he knew nothing of the cultivated land. Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and lurked with wild beasts at the water-holes; he had joy of the water with the herds of wild game. But there was a trapper who met him one day face to face at the drinking-hole,
This reminded us of the backgrounds between Jesus and John the Baptist. Although the relationship is different, the two are also very close and one is god-like and the other is rough and feral. The fact that Enkidu's hair was described in so much detail also reminded me a little of Samson in that it was so important.