2 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2022
bafybeiccxkde65wq2iwuydltwmfwv733h5btvyrzqujyrt5wcfjpg4ihf4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiccxkde65wq2iwuydltwmfwv733h5btvyrzqujyrt5wcfjpg4ihf4.ipfs.dweb.link
Efforts to incorporate, even in a limited way, some of these issues and introduce moresevere damage functions and different assumptions on technology or distribution generatemarkedly different conclusions about the optimum trajectories.
Including these catastrophic risks dramatically alters the conclusions and optimum trajectories.
the world has been much morefocused than the IAMs on a different set of issues, the risks of catastrophic consequences.These potentially catastrophic risks are in large measure assumed away in the IAMs.
Assumptions of catastrophic risks have not been included in the IAMs.