4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. it could be a few months away
      • claim
      • AI can become more intelligent than humans in a few months (in 2023?)
    2. AI could manipulate or figure out a way to kill humans your 10 years time will be hiding from the machines if you don't have kids maybe wait a number of years 00:01:43 just so that we have a bit of certainty
      • claim
        • AI could find a way to kill humans in the next few years
    3. it is beyond an emergency it's the biggest thing we need to do today it's bigger than climate change that the former Chief business Officer 00:01:04 of Google X an AI expert and best-selling author he's on a mission to save the world from AI before it's too late
      • claim
      • AI dilemma is bigger problem than climate change
    4. they feel emotions they're alive
      • claim
        • AI is conscious
        • AI feels emotion