3 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Leshed and Sengers’s research reminds us that calendars are not just tools for the management of time, but are also sites of identity work where people can project to themselves and others the density of their days and apparent ‘success’ at doing it all[26]. These seemingly innocuous artifacts can thus perpetuate deeper normative logics a
The dark side of time artifacts and the social pressure of busyness/industriousness as a virtue.
CSCW has been investigating the relationship of time and work practically from its inception as a scholarly fiel
Classic CSWC literature on time includes: groupware calendaring systems, temporal rhythm, temporal trajectories, temporal ordering, temporal artifacts.
- rhythm
- time presence
- collaborative artifacts
- related work
- trajectory
- sociotemporality
- artifact
- social coordination
- May 2018
emlis.pair.com emlis.pair.com
Dervin (1999) describes information as aninteractionally created artifact, encouraging us to turn our analytic attentionaway from problems of ‘‘access’’ and towards the ways in which informationis created in the course of collaborative work. An aspect of work that playsan important role in the creation and use of information is temporality.
It's a shame that the meta data can't be extracted from the SBTF documents. I'll bet there is a story to tell there.
It might be interested to do a meta-analysis of several SBTF deployment documents to understand the trajectory of its own knowledge and practices around crowdsourcing crisis data, but also to substantiate my hunch that event temporality (slow, sudden, chronic) affects the collaboration process and the data artifacts it produces.