4 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2022
gitlab.com gitlab.com
We will also run into some issues when we consider adding new channels to Service Desk like an API. We should have a streamlined process of rendering notes (messages) etc. Having a base64 image (or even attachment) in mail but not in the API might be inconsistent and also adds a lot of code that needs to be maintained.
- Sep 2021
blog.sindresorhus.com blog.sindresorhus.com
You can help make Node.js and browsers more unified. For example, Node.js has util.promisify, which is commonly used. I don’t understand why such an essential method is not also available in browsers. In turn, browsers have APIs that Node.js should have. For example, fetch, Web Streams (The Node.js stream module is awful), Web Crypto (I’ve heard rumors this one is coming), Websockets, etc.
- Mar 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Knowing what your elements are lets browsers use sensible defaults for how they should look and behave. This means you have less customization work to do and are more likely to get consistent results in different browsers.
afarkas.github.io afarkas.github.ioWebshim1
If set to true the UI of all input widgets (number, time, month, date, range) are replaced in all browsers (also in browser, which have implemented these types). This is useful, if you want to style the UI in all browsers.