2 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2021
ayjay.org ayjay.org
To the extentthat people accommodate themselves to the faceless inflexibility ofplatforms, they will become less and less capable of seeing thevirtues of institutions, on any scale. One consequence of thataccommodation will be an increasing impatience withrepresentative democracy, and an accompanying desire to replacepolitical institutions with platform-based decision making:referendums and plebiscites, conducted at as high a level as possible(national, or in the case of the European Union, transnational).Among other things, these trends will bring, in turn, theexploitation of communities and natural resources by people whowill never see or know anything about what they are exploiting. !escope of local action will therefore be diminished, and will comeunder increasing threat of what we might call, borrowing a phrasefrom Einstein, spooky action at a distance.
This fits in line with my thesis to make corporations and especially corporate executives and owners be local, so that they can see the effect that their decisions are having.
- Jun 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Oh, and to be absolutely clear, every example that I know of a company trying to adopt the "pioneer - settler - town planner" structure without first getting their principles in a decent state has ... failed. Principles first. Org structure later. Culture, later still.
Thinking on this with respect to Colin Woodard's book American Nations, makes me realize why America is in such horrible shape today.