2 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2021
360learning.com 360learning.com
Conversely, a proactive training environment is more democratic. Learning is typically bottom-up, with employees playing an active role in identifying potential learning needs, setting their own learning paths, and even contributing to course materials.
- I like the phrasing of proactive training environment, might be a better term to use than 'permissive learning environment'
- democratize learning at work
- Apr 2021
360learning.com 360learning.com
1. Embrace decentralized learningCentralized learning flows out from a single point: instructors teach and employees learn. But many businesses are shifting towards a more decentralized approach, making this system obsolete. More employees are working remotely and asynchronously, and they need to break learning into small chunks that fit into their daily work schedule. The first step in decentralizing learning is to shift to online classes that can be completed in micro-sessions throughout the week.
- with remote work, more and more learning is being done async - having the instructor lead / cohort based learning, while still an option - we need to expand beyond that, and find ways to create async learning opportunities, and create the ability to learn in the flow of work