3 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Design tokens are a methodology for expressing design decisions in a platform-agnostic way so that they can be shared across different disciplines, tools, and technologies. They help establish a common vocabulary across organisations.

      This is a very concise definition of the term, "design token". It is absent of vendor jargon. However, I think a better way to describe it would be: "Design tokens are shareable generic expressions of design decisions. Their purpose is to help multi-disciplinary teams build, scale and maintain consistent digital experiences."

    1. The middle layer approach pushes designers to explicitly describe the component visual architecture and that translates to its better understanding.
    2. Designers want every part of the app interface and all the elements to have the same look and feel, and design tokens were created to help them achieve that outcome.

      Design tokens are platform-agnostic and are the first layer of design decisions in a design system.