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- Jul 2023
davidkorten.org davidkorten.org
17THE PATHWAY TO EMERGENCEHuman viability depends on advancing Emergency actionin ways that facilitate Emergence of the culture, institutions,technology, and infrastructure of an Ecological Civilizationguided by the maps of a 21st century eco-nomics.These are some action steps on the path to Emergencethat follow from the Ubuntu Principle and its corollaries.
- Human viability depends on advancing Emergency action
- in ways that facilitate Emergence of the
- culture,
- institutions,
- technology, and
- infrastructure
- of an Ecological Civilization
- guided by the maps of a 21st century eco-nomics.
These are some action steps on the path to Emergence that follow from the Ubuntu Principle and its corollaries
- Break up concentrations of corporate power,
including private banks.
- Restructure the individual pieces to support equitable, locally rooted participation in ownership.
- Assure that every business is dedicated to and ultimately accountable for fulfilling a public purpose beneficial to the communities in which it does business. -Take democracy to the next level as a participatory process of community self-organization, not just a competitive voting contest between two or more candidates from opposing political parties funded by wealthy patrons. Replace GDP as the primary measure of economic performance with measures of the health and wellbeing of people, communities, and nature—giving priority to equality, material sufficiency, and spiritual abundance for all.
- Eliminate financial speculation and free individuals, community businesses, and governments from perpetual debt bondage.
- Transform our relationship to nature to restore and enhance its regenerative health and beauty as we learn to nurture ourselves in ways that nurture all.
- Organize bioregionally defined political jurisdictions around urban hubs with strong rural-urban links that
- seek to optimize regional environmental and labor self-reliance.
- Eliminate inefficient land use by converting suburbs to rural-urban use.
- Eliminate gas powered vehicles and redesign infrastructure
- to minimize dependence on private cars in all but remote rural areas.
- Minimize air travel by
- vacationing locally within local rural-urban jurisdictions and
- organize all but local meetings and conferences as web conferences.
- Strengthen non-monetized relationships
- between people and
- between people and the lands and waters that sustain them.
- Encourage responsible community-centric parenting and child development consistent with a just and prosperous future for all.
- Invest in life sciences research advancing understanding of the organizing principles, structures, and processes of healthy living systems.
- Accelerate
- social innovation,
- adaptation, and
- learning by
- nurturing cultural diversity and
- removing intellectual property rights impediments to the free and open sharing of beneficial knowledge and technology. • Transform economics and management educa- tion to provide future leaders with the knowl- edge and skills needed to lead institutional transformation and the creation of resilient self-governing communities.
- Organize material processes around
- continuous circular flows and
- minimize movement of
- physical and
- energy resources
- both within and
- between self-reliant bioregional communities
- Break up concentrations of corporate power,
including private banks.