1 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2019
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
So much of faculty development is one-size-fits-all andarranged according to preset schedules and locations - and by doing so, will consist-ently fail to meet the needs of those whose interests are marginal or different from themajority. Moreover, the understanding of“network”in the institutional sense fails toaccount for the individual level of the Personal Learning Network (PLN) where educa-tors can build connections and relationships that advance their ongoing learning out-side of institutional structures and boundaries
One-size-fits-all is the perennial challenge of PD (professional development, faculty development)—the demand that faculty as learners must conform to the instruction, rather than bringing their full selves. There have been days, weeks, and even semesters when I felt marginalized (even as campus entities insisted that I wasn’t). The only way through this was the PLN (“my” PLN) that welcomed my whole self into another type of PD.