1 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2023
bayfronttechnologies.com bayfronttechnologies.com
The HTML encoding of this document contains several errors, some of which substantially affect the way it's read. This fixes one of those problems in Appendix II:
javascript ([ ...document.querySelectorAll("op") ]).reverse().forEach((op) => { let f = document.createDocumentFragment(); f.append(document.createTextNode("<OP>"), ...op.childNodes); op.parentElement.replaceChild(f, op); })
The problem show be apparent on what is, at the time of this writing, line 4437:
html <code>IF ?w THEN ?x<OP>?y ELSE ?z<OP>?y</code>
(The angle brackets around the occurrences of "OP" should be encoded as HTML entities. Because they aren't they end up getting parsed as HTML
elements (which isn't a thing) and screwing up the document tree.)