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  1. Jul 2024
    1. you can take these medications you can expose yourself to the risk of the medications 00:26:57 or or you can change the way you eat you can deal with the true underlying problem insulin resistance

      for - health - heart - root cause of heart disease - lifestyle choices - dietary choice

      health - heart - root causes of heart disease - lifestyle choices - dietary choice - root cause of insulin resistance is poor diet with too much sugar and carbs and other variables such as excessive alcohol - dietary changes can shift lipid particles to large, fluffy LD particles - high sugar and carbs is a main factor leading to insulin resistance

      to - Root cause of insulin resistance - interview with Robert Lustig - https://hyp.is/l14UvjzwEe-cUVPwiO6lIg/docdrop.org/video/WVFMyzQE-4w/