4 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Aren’t you afraid to say such words out loud?
- Dec 2023
it's daunting because they're 00:37:18 all happening simultaneously in a way people don't recognize they're all kind of integrated with each other and they and they're reinforcing each other it's people call this kind of perfect storm but they don't but the problem with the 00:37:30 language the perfect storm terminology is it sort of implies that each one of these things whether it's economic stress or climate change or political polarization rising authoritarianism 00:37:41 you know collapse of mammalian populations they're all kind of separate distinct problems but actually they're all they're all affecting each other at this point
for: polycrisis, perfect storm, reinforcing feedbacks,
- the polycrisis is a network of self-reinforcing and diverse crisis:
- political polarization
- war
- fossil fuel entrenchment and expansion
- precarity
- migration
- climate crisis
- extreme weather
- AI
- political polarization
- misinformation and interference of sovereign voting
- emergence of authoritarianism
- incorrect focus of effort - tinkering at the margins
- runaway inequality - wealth, racial, post colonial, gender
- dominance of capitalist wealth aspiration
- rapid change required for entire system
- sense of despair, hopelessness, anger, fear
- mass extinction
- climate departure
- increasing health burden
- runaway pollution
- lack of effective government regulation
- approaching planetary tipping points
- the "perfect storm" assumes that these crisis are not related, but they are all syncrhonizing through positive feedbacks -their self-reinforcing positive feedbacks amplify all of them together and it can reach a threshold beyond human institutions to be able to cope
- Commanding Hope or "Hope to" is critical for meeting these challenges
- the polycrisis is a network of self-reinforcing and diverse crisis:
have the wisdom to distinguish between those situations we can change in those situations we can't so it is important to sometimes say but 00:30:42 the best i can do is to hope that in this situation and part of what honest hope is about is teasing out the places where we can have agency and make a difference in the places where we can't although i argue that frequently we throw up our 00:30:54 hands too soon
for: comparison - hope that - hope to
- comparison: hope that - hope to
- a part of honest hope is to be able to distinguish between
- situations where we can't do anything about it and
- situations where we can
- start from
- hope to - to explore possibilities
- if nothing can be done, then goto hope that
- a part of honest hope is to be able to distinguish between
- comparison: hope that - hope to
distinction between hope that and hope too
for: comparison - hope that - hope to
comparison: hope that - hope to
- hope that
- is passive
- I have no agency
- hope to
- is active
- I have agency
- Commanding Hope advocates flipping
- from hope that to
- hope to
- hope that