- Dec 2021
sahillavingia.com sahillavingia.com
But the deal we already had in place was better for what our people prioritize: freedom over growth, sustainability over speed, life over work.
- Oct 2021
www.sjscience.org www.sjscience.org
I compare these digital scientific notations to the the traditional scientific notations that have been used for centuries, showing how the digital notations optimized for computerized processing are often an obstacle to scientific communication and to creative work by human scientists
I analyze the causes and propose guidelines for the design of more human-friendly digital scientific notations.
- Feb 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The fact that one of our two national parties would stick with a leader who dispatched a mob to ransack the Capitol in hopes of overturning our last election is an acute national problem — a cancer, in fact
This provides another central idea. It is not just about how Trump affected America during his presidency, but the future after it. He compares it to cancer, a metaphor that portrays the gravity of the situation. He also shows that he considers the Trump situation as worse than any of the other situations discussed by calling this an international emergency while deer and SF were local.
That is a lot like Trump and his followers, whose attachment to him has become so cultlike that every other Republican leader knows that challenging Trump is potential political suicide. The result: He, too, has no serious predators
The writer makes his second main claim in the article. He shows why Trump had as much power as he did and why no one was taking action against him. He builds on how this negatively harmed the country. He beautifully makes a metaphor to the deer, for the deer would be Trump and the garden it ruined would be America
That is a lot like Trump and his followers, whose attachment to him has become so cultlike that every other Republican leader knows that challenging Trump is potential political suicide. The result: He, too, has no serious predators
This post further emphasizes the analogy of Trump's presidency to the deer. He introduces the central idea that Trump's immense power is partly due to the American people. No one truly took action against Trump, and the Republican party for the most part, protected him. This allowed him to act "stupid" as he said in the previous paragraph.