2 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
AI artificial information processing by the way not artificial intelligence in many ways it could be seen as replicating the functions of the left 00:11:14 hemisphere at frightening speed across the entire globe
- AI accelerates the left hemisphere view and impacts in the world
the left
- left hemisphere qualities
- using narrow beam scattered attention to one detail after another
- use what is already:
- familiar
- certain
- static
- explicit
- abstract
- decontextualized
- disembodied
- categorized
- general in nature
- reduced to its parts
- all is predictable and controlled
- this is an inanimate universe and
- a bureaucrat's dream
- it is like a map in relation to the world
- is mapped useful to the degree that it leaves almost everything out
- and its only value is utility
- finally, it is a RE-PRESENTATION - not fresh, but regurgitated
- left hemisphere qualities