1 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
About auto-close bots... I can appreciate the need for issue grooming, but surely there must a better way about it than letting an issue or PR's fate be semi-permanently decided and auto-closed by an unknowing bot. Should I be periodically pushing up no-op commits or adding useless "bump" comments in order to keep that from happening? I know the maintainers are busy people, and that it can take a long time to work through and review 100s of open issues and PRs, so out of respect to them, I was just taking a "be patient; they'll get to it when they get to it" approach. Sometimes an issue is not so much "stale" as it is unnoticed, forgotten about, or consciously deferred for later. So if anything, after a certain length of time, if a maintainer still hasn't reviewed/merged/accepted/rejected a pull request, then perhaps it should instead be auto-bumped, put on top of the queue, to remind them that they (preferably a human) still need to review it and make a decision about its fate... :)