9 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2021
  2. Jan 2021
  3. atomiks.github.io atomiks.github.io
    1. Can I use the title attribute?Yes. The content prop can be a function that receives the reference element as an argument and returns a string or element.tippy('button', { content(reference) { const title = reference.getAttribute('title'); reference.removeAttribute('title'); return title; }, });The title attribute should be removed once you have its content so the browser's default tooltip isn't displayed along with the tippy.
    1. Headless: With React's DOM rendering for improved usage with CSS-in-JS and spring libraries. If you want greater control over your poppers to integrate fully with design systems, this is for you.
    1. We can make content a function that receives the reference element (button in this case) and returns template content:
    2. You can pass the element itself, which is useful for keeping event listeners attached (or when a framework is controlling elements inside):
    3. Allows you to separate the tippy's positioning from its trigger source.