2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
- ugly/kludgey
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- forking to add a desired missing feature/change
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
- forced to fork/copy and paste library code because it didn't provide enough customizability/extensibility / didn't foresee some specific prop/behavior that needed to be overridable/configurable (explicit interface)
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
- Svelte: how to affect child component styles
- workarounds
- Aug 2020
catalog.csun.edu catalog.csun.edu
Changing Major or Option Students seeking to change majors/options must be able to complete the new major/option within 140 units. Student requests to change a major/option must be approved by the department chair of the new major/option. If the student has 90 or more earned units, the request also must be approved by the associate dean of the new major/option. Requests to change majors/options must be accompanied by a plan demonstrating that the new major/option can be completed within 140 units.
CSUN students must read the content of this page before contacting their academic advisor.