8 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2022
If you want to organize said migrations in their purpose you'll probably have a folder for the struture ones and another for the data ones.
not as good/useful as some other gem options/approaches, such as the one that adds a
method per migration, or that lets you tag with:post_deploy
, etc.
github.com github.com
- Oct 2021
File structure
Collapsing directories Say some directories in a project exist for organizational purposes only, and you prefer not to have them as namespaces. For example, the actions subdirectory in the next example is not meant to represent a namespace, it is there only to group all actions related to bookings: booking.rb -> Booking booking/actions/create.rb -> Booking::Create
- Jun 2021
blog.viktoradam.net blog.viktoradam.net
This compatibility simply means that you can have a .githooks folder at the root of your project, where you can organize your individual hooks into folders.
shareup.app shareup.app
We’ve broken our project up into three different types of packages: apps which are preact apps intended to be bundled and deployed somewhere, modules which are plain npm packages for node/browsers and do not bundle their dependencies, and workers which are either Worker or ServiceWorker scripts entirely bundled up with no imports or exports. We don’t have to keep these three types of packages separated, but it helps us navigate around.
- Jul 2020
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
Organization of Locale Files