4 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2020
thehackernews.com thehackernews.com
KeeFarce obtains passwords by leveraging a technique called DLL (Dynamic Link Library) injection, which allows third-party apps to tamper with the processes of another app by injecting an external DLL code.
forums.tomsguide.com forums.tomsguide.com
If you are concerned about privacy and looking for a bullet-proof solution then the only way to go is open-source software. For example, there was another incident with a proprietary file "encrypter" for Android/iOS which used the simplest possible "encryption" on earth: XORing of data that is as easy to crack a monkey could do that. Would not happen to an open-source software. If you're worried about the mobile app not being as reliable (backdoors etc.) as the desktop app: compile it yourself from sources. https/github.com/MiniKeePass/MiniKeePass You can also compile the desktop version yourself. Honestly, I doubt most people, including you and me, will bother.
keepass.info keepass.info