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- Aug 2024
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The challenge and the problem is that emergency to our neural ancestral wiring meant a saber toothed tiger or something like that. And these risks are complex. They're in the future. They're abstract. There are no easy solutions. the famous people on TV aren't talking about them. so it's, really difficult.
for - planetary emergency - psychological factors - the 5 Ds
planetary emergency - psychological factors - the 5 Ds - Nate brings up the psychological challenges. These are summarized nicely by Per Espen Stokes interview on the Al Jazeera documentary below, where he discusses the 5 Ds:
reference - Per Espen Stokes psychological factors that make climate action difficult - the 5 Ds - https://hyp.is/UgWKRlNcEe-sPqcIvC-9Aw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqXys5VluIQ