2 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2023
And so, in colonialcircumstances, the bard could become symptomatic and symbolic of theeducation of Africans and Caribbeans into a passive, subservient rela-tionship to dominant colonial culture
Point C
When the man-monster, brutalised by long continued torture, be-gins, 'This island's mine, by Sycorax my mother, which thou takestfrom me', we have the whole case of the aboriginal against aggressivecivilisation dramatised before us. I confess I felt a sting of con-science-vicariously suffered for my Rhodesian friends, notablyDr. Jameson-when Caliban proceeded to unfold a similar caseto that of the Matebele
"it services decolonialism by possibly enganging within the reader a sense of empathy for caliban"